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Showing posts from May, 2022

Reigning Beauty Chapter 2

Are you someone who likes about Reigning Beauty Chapter 2? Then this article is what you should be looking for. Reigning Beauty is a Webnovel created by Elaine Yang. This lightnovel is currently ongoing. The leader of the geishas nodded and tapped a bamboo tube, ushering in a young woman in a golden dress, whose face was covered with a red sash. Her steps were dainty yet ethereal, and while her face was not visible, her dancing was magical. It was as if she flew in front of the various court officials and the emperor, all while pouring fragrant wine for each guest. Some officials even stood up, so amazed were they by her performance. Just as some men wanted to get closer to her, Nongyue leapt up and shook her sleeves, tumbling out rainbow-colored sashes, which swirled around her as she danced. Unlike other geishas, this woman's style was feminine yet powerful. The gentle swaying of her sleeves were like swipes of sharp swords, yet without menace, turning each strong wave in

Reigning Beauty Chapter 1

Are you someone who likes about Reigning Beauty Chapter 1? Then this article is what you should be looking for. Reigning Beauty is a Webnovel created by Elaine Yang. This lightnovel is currently ongoing. Humans lived in the world not to enjoy happiness but to bear witness to brutality.  There was no heaven to be found, only people fighting to live on the battlefield of blood and tears. Even if it took their last bit of strength, they still searched for heaven inside their soul.  In the Kingdom of Shuanghua, it was snowing in the city of Shuofang. The snow, as light as daffodils, fell silently without a trace. The number of pedestrians didn't seem to decrease on the streets, however, even in the early evening, and all the restaurants remained open. The doorways of the shops lining the streets were decorated with little pots of pine trees, their branches covered in glistening snow. The shopkeepers looked out from time to time, watching for other shops' closing times. Young

The Snow Image and other stories Part 9

Are you someone who likes about The Snow Image and other stories Part 9? Then this article is what you should be looking for. The Snow Image and other stories is a Webnovel created by Nathaniel Hawthorne. This lightnovel is currently completed. "Am I here, or there?" cried Robin, starting; for all at once, when his thoughts had become visible and audible in a dream, the long, wide, solitary street shone out before him. He aroused himself, and endeavored to fix his attention steadily upon the large edifice which he had surveyed before. But still his mind kept vibrating between fancy and reality; by turns, the pillars of the balcony lengthened into the tall, bare stems of pines, dwindled down to human figures, settled again into their true shape and size, and then commenced a new succession of changes. For a single moment, when he deemed himself awake, he could have sworn that a visage--one which he seemed to remember, yet could not absolutely name as his kinsman's--wa

The Snow Image and other stories Part 8

Are you someone who likes about The Snow Image and other stories Part 8? Then this article is what you should be looking for. The Snow Image and other stories is a Webnovel created by Nathaniel Hawthorne. This lightnovel is currently completed. He resumed his walk, and was glad to perceive that the street now became wider, and the houses more respectable in their appearance. He soon discerned a figure moving on moderately in advance, and hastened his steps to overtake it. As Robin drew nigh, he saw that the pa.s.senger was a man in years, with a full periwig of gray hair, a wide-skirted coat of dark cloth, and silk stockings rolled above his knees. He carried a long and polished cane, which he struck down perpendicularly before him at every step; and at regular intervals he uttered two successive hems, of a peculiarly solemn and sepulchral intonation. Having made these observations, Robin laid hold of the skirt of the old man's coat just when the light from the open door and w

The Snow Image and other stories Part 7

Are you someone who likes about The Snow Image and other stories Part 7? Then this article is what you should be looking for. The Snow Image and other stories is a Webnovel created by Nathaniel Hawthorne. This lightnovel is currently completed. "And of mine, too," thought I. "You remember," continued Oberon, "how the h.e.l.lish thing used to suck away the happiness of those who, by a simple concession that seemed almost innocent, subjected themselves to his power. Just so my peace is gone, and all by these accursed ma.n.u.scripts. Have you felt nothing of the same influence?" "Nothing," replied I, "unless the spell be hid in a desire to turn novelist, after reading your delightful tales." "Novelist!" exclaimed Oberon, half seriously. "Then, indeed, my devil has his claw on you! You are gone! You cannot even pray for deliverance! But we will be the last and only victims; for this night I mean to burn the ma.n.u.script

The Snow Image and other stories Part 6

Are you someone who likes about The Snow Image and other stories Part 6? Then this article is what you should be looking for. The Snow Image and other stories is a Webnovel created by Nathaniel Hawthorne. This lightnovel is currently completed. In accordance with this proposal, the whole party stationed themselves round the stone cistern; the two children, being very weary, fell asleep upon the damp earth, and the pretty Shaker girl, whose feelings were those of a nun or a Turkish lady, crept as close as possible to the female traveller, and as far as she well could from the unknown men. The same person who had hitherto been the chief spokesman now stood up, waving his hat in his hand, and suffered the moonlight to fall full upon his front. "In me," said he, with a certain majesty of utterance,--"in me, you behold a poet." Though a lithographic print of this gentleman is extant, it may be well to notice that he was now nearly forty, a thin and stooping figure,

The Snow Image and other stories Part 5

Are you someone who likes about The Snow Image and other stories Part 5? Then this article is what you should be looking for. The Snow Image and other stories is a Webnovel created by Nathaniel Hawthorne. This lightnovel is currently completed. Viewed through the, the boy's round, rosy visage a.s.sumed the strangest imaginable aspect of an immense t.i.tanic child, the mouth grinning broadly, and the eyes and every other feature overflowing with fun at the joke. Suddenly, however, that merry face turned pale, and its expression changed to horror, for this easily impressed and excitable child had become sensible that the eye of Ethan Brand was fixed upon him through the gla.s.s. "You make the little man to be afraid, Captain," said the German Jew, turning up the dark and strong outline of his visage from his stooping posture. "But look again, and, by chance, I shall cause you to see somewhat that is very fine, upon my word!" Ethan Brand g